Reporting misconduct
This reporting channel is not intended for customer complaints and feedback. Please use the Feedback page for that purpose.
Follow these instructions when making a misconduct report
In all its operations, the Finnish Red Cross complies with the highest ethical standards as well as laws, guidelines and regulations. This is why we encourage our volunteers, members or other cooperation partners and employees to always report any suspected cases of misconduct or unethical activities.
What should be reported?
Report any suspected irregularities regarding cases of misconduct or unethical activities within the Red Cross. These can include e.g. unethical, fraudulent, suspicious, dishonest, illegal or negligent activity or behaviour by a member of staff.
All reports are processed in the strictest confidence. The identity of the person making the report is kept confidential throughout the process.
Anonymous and safe
Your report is always fully anonymous unless you add your contact information to the message. If you make your report using the form, however, we will ask you to provide an email address, which we will not see, in order to communicate with you anonymously. The service is run by an external operator, meaning that it prevents Finnish Red Cross employees from seeing and saving email addresses, IP addresses or other data based on which the sender could be identified.
Follow these instructions when making a report
We ask you to report any suspected misconduct to the internal auditor of the Finnish Red Cross:
- Using the online form
- Via email:
- With a letter to the address Tehtaankatu 1a 00140 Helsinki. Write “Internal Auditor / Confidential” on the envelope
- By calling the Finnish Red Cross exchange: +358 (0)20 701 2000. Start the call by explaining that you are reporting suspected misconduct. The exchange will direct the call to the internal auditor or lawyer.
All reports are processed in the strictest confidence.
It is preferable to provide the reporter’s name and contact information, so that the Finnish Red Cross can request them to clarify the provided information or provide additional information on the matter. However, the report can also be made anonymously.
Data protection
You have the right to request and receive a list of all saved information regarding your case. You also have the right to request the Finnish Red Cross to rectify incomplete and inaccurate data if necessary. More information is found on our data protection page.