
Five facts about loneliness

Photo: Vilma Seppinen

We compiled five loneliness facts that you might not have thought about.

1. Loneliness touches nearly all of us at some point of our lives

The next time you are waiting in line at the store, look around. In Finland, one in three people feel lonely at times.

2. The pain of loneliness is real

Did you know that loneliness can be felt as social pain in the same areas of the brain where we feel physical pain?

3. Feelings of loneliness can easily spiral into darker thoughts

Loneliness can be followed by a vicious cycle of focusing on the bad instead of the good and feeling increasingly overwhelmed when meeting other people.

4. Prolonged loneliness has adverse health effects

Feeling lonely increases the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. In the long term, cortisol burdens and predisposes the body to illnesses.

5. Feelings of loneliness can be eliminated

Just one positive personal relationship may break the negative spiral of loneliness. Take another look around: you can be the person to help someone restore human contact.

Would you like to help fight loneliness? Order further information and find your way to participate.