A person is sitting in an armchair with a smartphone in their hand.

Volunteering for a crisis support chat

Photo: Jukka Erätuli, Suomen Punainen Risti

Crisis chat volunteers offer psychosocial support and reliable information on national emergencies and disruptions. The chat will be made available on the Red Cross website when exceptional situations cause widespread concern and people need support and guidance.  

Members of the crisis chat volunteer reserve are ready and available to volunteer for the chat when requested. Volunteers will receive situation-specific training before the chat is opened.

The task is suited to psychosocial support volunteers, in particular, as well as volunteers who already perform other online help tasks.

How can I become a volunteer for the crisis chat?

Support chat volunteers are required to complete the Online helper at the Finnish Red Cross self-study course. After completing the course, you will be provided access to the support chat activity group in OMA Punainen Risti.

Psychosocial support training and acting as a psychosocial support volunteer will also support volunteers in this task. You can find upcoming psychosocial support training in the OMA Punainen Risti event calendar with search word "psychososial support".

Other volunteer online help tasks also provide good foundational skills for crisis chat volunteers.

Online helper at the Finnish Red Cross self-study course