Support immigrants
Join us as a volunteer to support the immigrant work of the Finnish Red Cross!
The Red Cross volunteer activities are multicultural and welcome anyone who identifies with the Red Cross values. The activities bring together people with various kinds of backgrounds. As a volunteer, you can promote equality and build a diverse society.
There are volunteer activities to support refugees and immigrants in many localities. Find out about the types of activities, sign up or ask for more information at your local Red Cross district office or branch.
Find your place as a volunteer
Asylum seekers live in the reception centres while they wait for the decision on whether they will be granted asylum. From 7 March 2022 onwards, reception centres will also accommodate people seeking temporary protection from Finland. Red Cross volunteers have an important role in the everyday lives of those living in the reception centres.
As a volunteer, you can teach them the Finnish or Swedish language, and Finnish culture and customs. You can also get involved in organising leisure activities, such as women’s or children’s clubs. Volunteers play an important role in the psychosocial and social supporting of asylum seekers.
Sign up as a volunteer by selecting the activity: supporting immigrants.
The Finnish Red Cross participates in the entry arrangements for quota refugees. As a volunteer, you will meet quota refugees at the airport and help them with border formalities and travelling to their home municipality.
You may be suitable for the task if you are interested in helping mainly on weekdays during the day and can commit to the activities for two years. For more information, please send an email to refugees(at)redcross.fi.
Undocumented persons are often in a particularly vulnerable position. They have no right of residence and no social security.
You can help undocumented immigrants find official and third sector services. Providing discussion and functional support can help undocumented immigrants find solutions in their difficult life situation.
For more information about helping undocumented immigrants, please send an email to paperittomat(at)punainenristi.fi.
A volunteer friend can be an irreplaceable support for an immigrant. You can become a friend for an immigrant alone or together with your partner, family or friend. You can do everyday things together, like go for a walk, cook dinner or explore points of interest in the neighbourhood, such as the library.
Find your nearest basic course on friend activities
You can volunteer in a language-learning club, which offers a flexible way for immigrants to practise their everyday language skills. The club can support the language courses offered by the authorities.
Ask for further information about language-learning clubs where you live from the district office or local branch.
You can help lower or upper stage comprehensive school pupils with their homework after school. The aim of homework clubs and Homework Help is to support and motivate children and young people with their schooling. The clubs are held at libraries, community centres and schools.
Ask for further information about homework clubs where you live from the district office or local branch.
The international club is a meeting place for people with different backgrounds that welcomes everyone. The activities bring people together across cultural barriers and enable interaction and learning from one another. The activities form around the interests of the participants.
Ask for further information about activities where you live from the district office or local branch.
As a volunteer, you can help an immigrant settle into their new home and get to know the services and people in their neighbourhood.
Ask for further information about activities where you live from the district office or local branch.
At the multicultural camps, you can help organise Finnish nature experiences and fun activities together.
Ask for further information about activities where you live from the district office or local branch.