
Cooperation partners of the Finnish Red Cross

Photo: Maria Santto / Suomen Punainen Risti

Our partners are important to us. Together, we achieve more.

Moomin Characters

Tove Jansson drew Moomin characters for the Red Cross already in the 1960s. These characters have been brought back to life as part of our long-term cooperation. As a great example of product cooperation, on Tove Jansson Day 9 August 2022, a new collection of products from Moomin by Arabia and the Red Cross was launched, inviting us to do small, kind things.

In cooperation with Moomin Characters, the Red Cross has produced the Friendship skills with the Moomins programme to practise friendship skills together with children. Emotional and interaction skills are needed in various situations and encounters in our daily lives, such as meeting new people and maintaining friendships. Later in life, as they start their studies and work, these skills become even more important. It is important that children are able to practise friendship skills early on, so that they learn to behave in a constructive manner in terms of themselves and their surroundings.

Moomin Characters website

S Group promoting everyday security

S Group

The S Group and the Finnish Red Cross have been engaged in diverse and long-term collaboration to promote everyday security in cooperation with local Red Cross branches. The forms of cooperation have included first aid trainings and the Hunger Day, Good Holiday Spirit and Ukraine collections.

The S Group grocery shops (Prisma, S-market, Sale, Alepa, Foodmarket Herkku) and cooperatives have been active partners in many ways and new operating methods are continuously being developed in accordance with the existing framework agreement.

S Group website

LähiTapiola supporting friend activities

LähiTapiola is the long-term main cooperation partner of the Finnish Red Cross friend activities and has supported the friend activities since 2006 as part of its corporate responsibility.

The purpose of the partnership is to promote well-being in Finnish society by reducing loneliness and social exclusion. The cooperation also promotes well-being at a local level by supporting regional cooperation.

LähiTapiola employees can volunteer in the Red Cross activities during their working hours and donate blood in regular blood donation events.

LähiTapiola has also supported the aid and support work of the Red Cross in the coronavirus epidemic in different parts of Finland. LähiTapiola’s support has been directed e.g. at the helpline where trained Red Cross psychosocial support volunteers respond to people’s questions about the coronavirus epidemic.

LähiTapiola website

Accenture supporting the working life competence of young people and immigrants

Accenture and the Finnish Red Cross have collaborated extensively since 2004. Within the framework of the cooperation, Accenture's specialists have been able to contribute pro bono to the Red Cross in a number of development projects.

In the multi-annual project launched in 2015, Accenture was involved in developing the national Finnish Red Cross digital service “Identifying the competence of asylum seekers and providing work experience” aimed at promoting the integration of asylum seekers into Finnish society.

The service can also be used to respond to the current and future need for labour and to promote positive attitudes. Accenture has also developed digital skills certificates related to expertise acquired in volunteer activities.

Since 2019, Accenture has supported the activities of the Finnish Red Cross Youth Shelters and been involved in developing digital tools to enhance the effectiveness of the Finnish Red Cross and Voluntary Rescue Service activities.

Accenture Finland website

Onnenpantti – Feel-good lottery

The Onnenpantti lottery acts as an additional incentive to recycle bottles. It is also a responsible act from the shop in question. The main prize is a gift card of €10,000. The donations support the regional aid work and basic activities of the Finnish Red Cross aimed at promoting well-being and preparedness.

The lottery originated in Norway, where it has operated under the name Pantelotteriet since 2008. Pantelotteriet is one of the largest private funders of the Red Cross in Norway. RLI Rahasto Oy, holder of the Onnenpantti brand and lottery licence in Finland, is owned by Recycling Lottery Finland Oy, which is also the executor of the Onnenpantti lottery.

Onnenpantti website

Kilometrikisa challenge – cycling climate solutions

The Kilometrikisa challenge of the Pyöräilykuntien verkosto ry association and the Red Cross Chain Reaction collection have been working together since 2010. The Kilometrikisa challenge is a playful competition between working communities, associations, clubs, leisure groups, friends or any other teams where participants record their cycling kilometres or minutes and accumulate their own team's kilometres.

The donation pot of the teams involved in the Chain Reaction is accumulated according to the kilometres cycled: the team donates one euro for each 25 kilometres cycled. The donations support the international work of the Red Cross and help people prepare for and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Kilometrikisa challenge website