Data protection and the Finnish Red Cross

Data protection and registers
The Finnish Red Cross is committed to protecting the privacy of its clients. We value your trust. This page contains our data protection principles, the terms and conditions regarding the use of our website and our register statements.
Our data protection principles
- We process personal data of the Red Cross volunteers, members, donors, clients, partners and school contact persons.
- The personal data is processed in centralised registers at the Red Cross headquarters and between different districts, branches and institutions. The district offices, branches and institutions may also process data outside of the centralised register. The Finnish Red Cross institutions include the Blood Service, the Kontti second-hand department stores, Punainen Risti Ensiapu Oy, Youth Shelters and reception centres for asylum seekers.
- Descriptions and contact details for the data processing carried out by the Finnish Red Cross Blood Service are available on the Blood Service data protection pages at
- The data we process is divided into data provided by a user, data identified during the use of online services and data derived through analytics.
- We collect the personal data of those who make a donation to the Red Cross and store it in the donors’ register. The register contains data on donations received via telephone, text message, bank transfer or the internet.
- We use the personal data in our communication, customer service and service delivery, as well as for authorised marketing and targeted marketing.
- We collect and process only necessary data and delete any outdated data as soon as possible.
- Our principle is that personal data is not disclosed to a party outside the organisation. Data may only be disclosed, if necessary, between the Red Cross headquarters, districts, branches and institutions.
Privacy protection
The Red Cross website may use cookies, mobile device identifiers and web beacons, among other things, without compromising privacy. Cookies and other similar technologies are used to collect data on how and when the services are used: from which website the user has entered the service, which websites the user has browsed, what content the user has seen and clicked, and what the user’s screen resolution, device OS and OS version are.
Cookies can be used to improve the products and services and display content that the user finds interesting. The most important aspect is to ensure that the services are safe. Our services use both first-party and third-party cookies, web beacons, local data recording techniques, mobile device identifiers and server logs.
An individual user cannot be identified with cookies only, and the service cannot discover things like the user’s name or email address, unless the user has provided these. If the user has logged into a digital service, such as the Oma application, we can combine the data that we have observed about the user with data that the user has provided themselves and which identifies them.
Read more about the cookie policy of the website
Terms of use
We recommend that you read the following terms of use before using our website. The website of the Finnish Red Cross and its institutions requires that the user agrees with its terms of use. The website’s content, such as text, graphics, names, images, graphs, drawings, logos, icons, sound recordings and software, belongs to the Red Cross. All rights to this material are reserved. Copying, transferring, altering, saving, publishing and distributing the material is prohibited without written permission from the Red Cross. Viewing the website on a computer or a similar device and taking printouts for personal use is allowed. The use of documents intended to be public in public communication is allowed, but the source of the information must always be mentioned.
The website’s content is released for use as it is and the Red Cross is not responsible for its accuracy, completeness or reliability.
The material cannot be considered an offer or commitment legally binding the Red Cross. The Red Cross reserves the right to make alterations to the material and the website’s terms of use, the access to it or to the site’s other features and does not guarantee that the website will be accessible without errors or interruptions.
The Red Cross will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect costs, losses or damage, including but not limited to loss of turnover, returns or profit, discontinued operations or loss of data resulting from the use or interruption to the use of the website or its material. Furthermore, the Red Cross will not be responsible for any interruptions or errors in the information system or telecommunications, or for losses or damage caused by malicious software. The Red Cross is not responsible for a third party’s website or material that the Red Cross website has a link or a reference to.
If you could not find the information you were looking for on this page, please contact: We are glad to help!
Also read:
Legal notices cookie policy
Privacy Statements
The register and privacy statements explain how the clients’ personal data is utilised and collected. The statement has been created in order to protect the clients and to ensure the transparency of the processing, and it is based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
Note! Clear your browser's cache or use the page in private browsing mode. This ensures that you see the updated versions of the statements.
Privacy Statement – Award register (Huomionosoitusrekisteri.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Member register (Jäsenrekisteri.pdf)
Privacy Statement – International operation employees (Kansainvälisen toiminnan henkilöstö.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Kontti online shop (Kontin verkkokauppa.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Kontti transport service customers (Kontti kuljetuspalvelun asiakkaat.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Donors (Lahjoittajat.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Marketing register (Markkinointirekisteri.pdf)
Privacy Statement - Training register (Koulutusrekisteri.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Volunteer register (Vapaaehtoiset.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Company contact person register (Yritysyhteyshenkilörekisteri.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Job applicant information (Työnhakijoiden tiedot.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Family caregiver support activities (Omaishoitajien tukitoiminta.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Finnish Red Cross online shop customer register (Punaisen Ristin verkkokaupan asiakasrekisteri.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Signatories and elected officials (Nimenkirjoittajat ja luottamushenkilöt.pdf)
Privacy statement – Friend activity customers (Ystävätoiminnan asiakkaat).pdf
Privacy Statement – Recording camera surveillance (Tallentava kameravalvonta.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Recording camera surveillance in Kontti (Tallentava kameravalvonta Kontti.pdf)
Privacy Statement – Bumerang_keyring register (Bumerang-avaimenperärekisteri.pdf)

What does the Finnish Red Cross do?