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If you have any questions about the operation of our website, please contact us:
- by phone +358 (0)20 701 2000 (weekdays 8.30 am–4.00 pm)
- info@redcross.fi
Ways to donate
Help in Finland
- via MobilePay to the number 32232
- text the word SPR15 to number 16499 (€15)
- text the word SPR30 to number 16499 (€30)
- text the word SPR50 to number 16499 (€50)
Bank account: FI29 5000 0120 4156 99, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross. Reference number 5335
The Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
- via MobilePay to the number 10900
- text the word SPR to the number 16499 (€15)
Bank account: FI52 5000 0120 4156 73, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross. Reference number: 5186
To Ukraina crisis
- via MobilePay to the number 11646
- text the word SPR25 to the number 16499 (€25)
Bank account: FI52 5000 0120 4156 73, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross. Reference number: 6020
First aid instructions
See first aid instructions on YouTube.
Help and Support
How do I find help and activities in my locality?
Contact the Red Cross volunteer department or district office in your area. Contact information can be found at https://piirit.punainenristi.fi/
Events and trainings can be found at https://oma.punainenristi.fi/publicevents
How can I get a friend?
If you feel lonely and long for companionship, you can get a friend through the Red Cross. Anyone can apply for a friend. You can get a friend by contacting the nearest friend service.
Where can I get food assistance?
We organize food assistance activities in several locations. Find the nearest food assistance at https://ruoka-apu.fi/
How can I get help for young?
We offer help to young people nationwide online in the Sekasin chat: https://sekasin247.fi/
Become a volunteer
Register as a volunteer in the OMA Red Cross service