Chest pain

The person suffering from chest pain needs first aid treatment and care quickly.
In connection with chest pain, the creation of further damage can be prevented and the possibilities of the person to recover improved significanlty through starting the first aid and care quickly.
Chest pain can be caused by coronary thrombosis, often called a heart attack, which is caused by blockage of the coronary arteries. An angina pectoris attack might also lead to chest pain.
Chest pain must always be taken seriously.
Symptoms of chest pain
Pain in the upper body, which may radiate to the left armpit, arm, and neck.
The person is often in a cold sweat, may be nauseous, and may have trouble breathing.
Particularly women display intense tiredness, nausea, vomiting, or back pain.
First aid for someone experiencing chest pain
Calm the person down and help them to rest, for example in a semi-seated position.
Call 112 immediately. If the person is carrying their own nitrate medication (Nitro®), help them to take it. If the medication does not help within a few minutes, call 112.
Give the person 250 mg of a medicine containing acetylsalicylic acid (Disperin®, Aspirin®) to be chewed if they are not allergic to the medicine.
Monitor their breathing and circulation.
If the person goes lifeless, start resuscitation with 30 presses and 2 blows, and notify the Emergency Response Centre about the change in the situation.
Call the general emergency number 112 in an emergency.
Follow these instructions when making the emergency call
First aid instructions: removing a foreign object