Emergency call

Photo: Anne Kalliola / Suomen Punainen Risti
In case of emergency call 112.
Always call the emergency number 112 whenever someone’s life, health, property, or the environment are in danger or threatened or you suspect this to be the case.
How to make an emergency call
- Call yourself, if possible.
- Tell the operator clearly what has happened.
- Give the exact address and town.
- Answer the questions asked.
- Put your phone on speaker and continue helping.
- Follow the instructions given.
- Only end the call after being told to do so.
- Instruct the professional helpers to the scene.
- If the situation changes, call again.
You can also make the emergency call using the 112 Suomi application if you have downloaded it on your phone. This way, the Emergency Response Centre operator will have immediate access to the location where the call is being made from. (www.112.fi)
Call the general emergency number 112 in an emergency.
Follow these instructions when making the emergency call
First aid instructions: removing a foreign object