Summer cottage safety

Read our tips on improving safety at the cottage.
Does the smoke or carbon monoxide alarm work? Are tools and dangerous chemicals stored out of reach of children? Are there planks with protruding nails laying around in the yard? Do all visitors to the cottage know where the first aid equipment is stored and what the address is in case of an emergency?
As the weather gets warmer, people are eager to start the summer cottage season, which usually starts with cleaning the cottage and its surroundings, raking the leaves and performing other small tasks. At the same time, you should also check whether the cottage and its surroundings are safe and prepare for accidents.
Eliminate carelessness and rush
A large share of accidents happen when a holidaymaker does something they have not done in a while without remembering what it requires.
On their holidays, people pick up new hobbies, travel, sail and go camping, which increases the risk of accidents. During leisure time, people often engage in several activities at once.
You can avoid accidents by acting calmly and concentrating on one thing at a time. Nonetheless, if an accident happens, you should have first aid supplies near by.
After arriving at the cottage, ensure that medicines and toxic substances are kept out of reach of children.
First aid skills and preparing for the summer season
Typical summer accidents requiring first aid include burns, cuts, joint injuries and having a fish hook stuck in your skin.
Preparedness also includes an honest assessment of personal swimming skills and the correct use of life jackets. Using intoxicants increases the risk of accidents, and you should not go swimming when intoxicated.
Drowning often happens silently. Often, the drowning person is simply unable to shout for help, since their energy is focused on staying on or getting to the surface.
If you do not have a lifebuoy, you should keep an empty canister or bucket on a rope on the beach. A person drowning can grab the floating object and be pulled ashore.
If an accident or emergency takes place, however, you need to know how to act. So make sure that your first aid skills are in order in time for the summer holidays. Our first aid course provides the skills and courage to act in an emergency. You can also practice first aid with the help of the Red Cross first aid instructions.
We have gathered our summer first aid instructions on our website, where you can print out a checklist or bookmark them. The summer first aid instructions also include a list of supplies everyone should have at their cottage, holiday home, boat, camping trip or festival.
Check where you are
If a serious accident requires additional help, you need to know your location. Check the accurate location, e.g. summer cottage coordinates, before going on holiday. You can check the coordinates based on your address on the emergency response centre website.
Keep the accurate address in a visible place and teach it to the children as well. It may be you who needs help and the person calling for help is a summer visitor from elsewhere.
Helpers can also find you with the help of the 112 Suomi application, since it transmits the accurate location of the caller to the emergency response centre. Download the free app from your phone’s application store.
Have a safe summer in the cottage!

First aid instructions