
Short power outage

Photo: Thomas Broumand / Suomen Punainen Risti

This winter, Finland may have to resort to short power outages of approximately two hours in duration when electricity consumption is particularly high.

A two-hour power outage has only a small impact on most people’s lives. The most important thing is to ensure that you have sufficient lighting and water available around the house, and that connections outside the home work as necessary.

Prepare before a short power outage

  • Stock up on water for yourself and the members of your family. Shop-bought water canisters can be stored unopened for a long time.
  • Make sure that your home is equipped with battery-operated lights, e.g. a flashlight. Make sure that all family members know where the lights are kept. Keep the flashlight within easy reach so that you can also find it in the dark without climbing on a stool of moving things around.
  • Get a battery-operated radio and a power bank to charge your phone.
  • Buy hand sanitiser.
  • Store food that does not need heating. Learn about the home emergency supply kit.

During a power outage

  • Turn off any electrical appliances that you do not wish to turn on by themselves once the power is back on. It is particularly important to turn off the stove, sauna heater, iron, coffee maker and washing machine. They can cause a fire when the electricity comes back.
  • Monitor local news and the websites of regional authorities and your electricity company and water supplier.
  • Avoid using water unnecessarily. In a power outage, the water supply will stop at some point.
  • Avoid draining water into the sewer in order to prevent flooding.
    • Only run cold water from the tap. Warm water can become boiling hot during a power outage.
    • If you must go to the toilet during a power outage, only flush the toilet once the electricity is back on. If necessary, you can attach a plastic bag beneath the toilet seat ring. After going to the toilet, close the bag carefully and place it in the mixed waste.
    • Remember hand hygiene even when the water supply stops. Use hand sanitiser or hygienic wipes.
  • In the winter, keep cold air out and warm air in. Avoid opening windows and doors unnecessarily.
  • Keep the fridge and freezer doors closed.
  • Eat foods that do not require heating. If you must heat up food during a short power outage, you can cook outside on a grill or a camping stove. Do not use a camping stove indoors due to risk of fire.
  • Dress warmly.
  • Help others. Make sure that your neighbour or a friend or family member living alone is alright.

If you or your family has special needs, e.g. due to illness or injury, you should ensure beforehand how to act in a power outage or where to get help if needed.

Read how to prepare for longer power outages