Thank you for the donation

Photo: Joonas Brandt / Suomen Punainen Risti

Hi {FirstName},

Thank you for your support for the Finnish Red Cross ❤️.

Donation info:

Donation target: {DonationDestination}

Donation amount: {Amount} euros

Company info:

Name of company: {CompanyName}

Company Business ID: {CompanyBusinessId}

First name of contact person: {ContactFirstName}

Last name of contact person: {ContactLastName}

Email: {ContactEmail}

Telephone number: {ContactPhone}

If you have any questions regarding your donation, please contact us

We serve weekdays at 8.30am–4pm and are glad to help! 

The Finnish Red Cross Donor Services

PLEASE NOTE that the invoice you have ordered will be delivered within 4-5 working days. Due to postal delivery times, it may take longer for the invoice to arrive.