Frequently asked questions

Photo: Joonas Brandt / Punainen Risti

Do you have any questions about Nettiturvis? Don't worry!

Here you can find answers to most frequently asked questions about Nettiturvis. We have compiled answers to help you and save some time.

If you cannot find an answer to your question or would like more information, don't hesitate to contact us via email!

Frequently asked questions

You will meet online with a professional with experience and competence in helping young people and families. You can find the name of the employee in the booking confirmation message you received. You can read more about our employees here.

We will discuss topics that are important to you. Together with the employee, you can identify resources and solutions for your situation to make you feel better. If you have several appointments, the employee may give you assignments that you can think about between appointments if you wish. You can decide what you would like to tell the employee during the meeting. During the meetings, we will systematically try to work on issues that are important to you.

Our help is designed for 1–10 visits. In that time, regular meetings will give us time to find a balance in your situation together or solve a clearly defined challenge. Sometimes your situation will require longer term discussion help or treatment with another professional. We will then help you find more help. Do not worry—we will not turn you away after the meetings end.

Not to worry, you're not the only one! Many people would feel nervous about joining an online meeting, where you will be met by a person you have never seen before. You can start talking when you feel like it. You can also join a meeting without video or start by chatting if it feels easier. As the employee becomes more familiar, it may seem natural to talk and keep the camera on!

We're here to help you! If something is bothering you about a meeting, feel free to tell us! We are happy to receive feedback on how the meetings are going. You can provide feedback during an appointment or by using an anonymous form, which you will receive in your email after each meeting. We value every piece of feedback—it allows us to improve and fix any mistakes we have made!

If you have encountered or witnessed harassment, discrimination, racism, unethical behaviour or you suspect unethical behaviour, you can report it by following these instructions (in Finnish). 

You can choose who you would like to talk to at the time of booking your appointment. Many like to talk to the same employee several times, because they become familiar. However, the same employee may not be available when it suits you. In that case, you can book an appointment with another employee. You do not need to tell them everything again because your new worker can read the information about your previous appointments from the client information system.

Sometimes you may feel that talking to an employee is not going well. In this event, you can try talking to someone else next time.

Nettiturvis is intended for young people aged 12–29 and their loved ones. In other words, we also support the parents and other family members as well as other loved ones of young people. Loved ones may include friends, partners, relatives or family friends.

Nettiturvis does not discriminate! We welcome all genders, bodies, sexual orientations, forms of relationship and family, ethnicities and beliefs. Here at Nettiturvis, everyone has the right and a safe space to self-identify. We address any inappropriate and discriminatory behaviour. Click here to read more about the equal approach to work at Nettiturvis and Youth Shelters.

You can attend a meeting with a friend, family member, partner or other loved one, for example. We can work together to find a solution for you or your immediate community. You can ask a friend to join you for support if you feel nervous about coming to the meeting. Partners can also come to meetings to discuss their relationship.

Parents, guardians and loved ones may also attend meetings to discuss their own role and ability to cope in the family. Read more here.

Discussions at Nettiturvis are confidential. However, all our professionals are obliged to report if it looks like a minor young person is in need of child welfare services or in immediate danger. In this event, the parents will also be informed, if informing them does not put the young person at risk. We always do this in cooperation with you, if possible. As a rule, we will not contact your parents, unless otherwise agreed. Together, we can also talk about which matters your guardians should be informed of and how to communicate matters in a way that feels good to you.

The discussion may sometimes reveal that you need help outside of Nettiturvis. In this event, the employees may refer you to the right services or you can, together, think about a solution for your situation. If you are underage and you are going through an acute emergency, there are concerns about your wellbeing or a crime has been committed, we must contact the emergency response centre, the child protection authorities or the police. We will always submit the notifications in cooperation with you, if possible. Even after emergencies, you are always welcome to talk to us. Your wellbeing is our primary concern here at Nettiturvis—we care about you and want you to feel well.

Yes, you can! Nettiturvis meetings are held over Teams, which works in the browser and the app on your mobile device, in addition to the computer. We recommend downloading the Teams app to make access easier.

We use Teams for meetings because it is data secure and allows for sufficient privacy—this way, confidential discussions will remain between us.

Even though we have a regular presence on Instagram, for example, we cannot guarantee the same level of personal and data secure help there. By using an appointment booking system, we can ensure that the employee has the time to focus on you for the duration of the meeting! We are also able to share documents or other material that you can take your time to view.

If you feel anxious about using Teams, you can mention it in the additional information field when booking your appointment. This is a topic that should first be discussed with the employee so that we can find a suitable way to meet you.

No, you do not. When you book an appointment, you receive a confirmation email with a direct link to the meeting. To join the meeting, you only need to enter your name or pseudonym to have a conversation.

You do not need to know or choose immediately! You can make an appointment with Nettiturvis first. If you come to the decision that you would rather have in-person meetings, we can refer you to one of the five Youth Shelters or other services close to you. You can also check whether one of the Youth Shelters is close to you and book a meeting there.