Other ways to access help

Here you can find tips about other places that offer help if you cannot find a suitable appointment time with Nettiturvis.
You can talk about whatever you want at Nettiturvis. In case of emergency, call the emergency number 112 or the national Crisis Helpline, which is available round the clock by calling +358 (0)9 2525 0111.
Discussions at Nettiturvis are held over videocalls by appointment. We hope that you can find a way to get help and support tailored to you. Here are some tips on other ways of getting help!
If you would rather chat...
If you are looking for a friend or someone to talk to...
· Red Cross online friend at Oma Punainen Risti
If you would like to try self-help and receive further information...
· MentalHub front page | Mielenterveystalo.fi/en