Hunger Day collection yields 2,3 million euros in total

2,3 million euros was donated to the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
The autumn 2021, the Hunger Day collection engaged people online and in the streets. Meeting people face-to-face after a long break was a joy to the volunteer collectors and donors alike. People’s willingness to help is once again reflected in this year’s collection result.
“People clearly want to participate and help in these times. This year, the Hunger Day collection reached a total of 2,3 million euros. We would like to thank every donor and collector for enabling us to help those in need in Finland and abroad,” says Sirpa Solehmainen, Director of Fundraising for the Finnish Red Cross.
Uncommitted funds of the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund are channelled quickly to wherever the need for aid is greatest, from large-scale accidents in Finland to a natural disaster in a climate-sensitive area somewhere else. This autumn, help has been needed especially in Haiti and Afghanistan.
The Finnish Red Cross’ field hospital operates in the Haiti earthquake area
This autumn, the Finnish Red Cross opened a field hospital in the area of Haiti that has suffered the devastation of a severe earthquake.
“Currently, the hospital treats far more than a hundred patients a day. Without our hospital, it would have been difficult for many to find aid,” says Tiina Saarikoski, Director of International Disaster Management for the Finnish Red Cross.
In addition to international aid workers, the field hospital employs local experts. The hospital equipment will remain in the country once the actual operation is over.
Humanitarian aid is also needed in Afghanistan
With the support of the Disaster Relief Fund, the Finnish Red Cross is also offering help in Afghanistan, where life is made difficult by poverty, the shortage of healthcare services, 40 years of war, and the impact of both climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is extremely dire. More than 18 million people out of the 38 million people living in the country are in need of aid,” Saarikoski says.
Preparedness for crisis aid is being maintained domestically
Domestically, the yields of the Hunger Day collection are used to help people cope with accidents and disasters, and to support Finnish authorities in urgent crises.
“With the Disaster Relief Fund, the Finnish Red Cross maintains preparedness to help with accidents and finding missing people. For example, the trained volunteers can offer psychosocial support to those who have faced a crisis and material support to those who have lost their home in a fire,” says Aki Pihlaja, Head of National Preparedness Unit for the Finnish Red Cross.
The Disaster Relief Fund can be supported year-round
Once again, many businesses contributed to the Hunger Day collection. As before, the most important partner for the campaign was Tokmanni, which donated 100 884 euros to the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
You can donate to the Disaster Relief Fund throughout the year. The fund can also be supported by purchasing a Chain of Aid reflector, which are sold in S Group grocery stores and Tokmanni department stores until the end of the year.