The Red Cross in 2021 in pictures
In 2021, the Finnish Red Cross carried out extensive aid work in Finland and abroad.
The following images are excerpts of what we achieved together during the past year. Huge thanks to all volunteers, employees, supporters, partners and friends of the Red Cross!
In early 2021 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, Finland faced an exceptional situation where the aim was to vaccinate a large share of the population as quickly as possible. The authorities were responsible for the vaccinations, but the Finnish Red Cross volunteers were able to support the effort.
We took part in providing important healthcare services to Syrians in the midst of a war that has lasted ten years.
The trained volunteer friends from the Red Cross friend activities brought joy to the everyday lives of lonely people. Each of us needs the company of another person, and even a single positive relationship can stop the cycle of loneliness. First and foremost, the volunteer friend is a listener and someone to talk to.
In the summer, the Voluntary Rescue Service (Vapepa) coordinated by the Red Cross took care of the food supply and maintained the protective clothing of the rescuers working in the wildfire in Kalajoki. The fire brigades could focus on their operation with support from the volunteers.
We helped a total of around a thousand young people at our Youth Shelters. A great and growing group of volunteers joined in on helping and influencing. The year saw up to 350 new volunteers join up.
The coronavirus pandemic highlighted the fact that there are groups of people in Finland that are not easily reached during a crisis. Some sections of the immigrant population were unable to access information related to the coronavirus. The multilingual coronavirus communications project of the Finnish Red Cross began to produce coronavirus communications to as many people as possible in a language that they understand.
The chronic humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan worsened rapidly this summer due to the escalating conflict and the subsequent coup. The country has also been plagued by the COVID-19 pandemic and prolonged and severe drought.
The International Red Cross Movement remains in the country helping people, and the Finnish Red Cross also supported this aid work.
On Hunger Day, thousands of collectors and numerous donors gathered together to support the aid work of the Finnish Red Cross in Finland and around the world. The collection raised a whopping 2.3 million euros.
In August, Haiti was struck by an earthquake causing widespread devastation. Thanks to donor support, the Finnish Red Cross was able to send a field hospital and dozens of aid workers to the site.
The field hospital in Haiti offered both basic and special health care services. The hospital treated patients e.g. in the fields of surgery, internal diseases, children’s diseases, communicable diseases, gynaecology and maternity care.
We increased our food aid operations in Finland. We also worked together with local operators in many towns.
The SOS MEDITERRANEE organisation and the International Red Cross together helped migrants in distress at sea in the Mediterranean. The role of the Red Cross was to offer people rescued from the sea with e.g. basic and maternity health care services as well as psychosocial support.
The coronavirus pandemic made life more difficult for many families with children in Finland. The Good Holiday Spirit collection helped distribute 36,000 food vouchers for low-income families with children.
...And this was of course just a small look at the year of the Red Cross! Read more about what we do on the Our work page and follow our social media channels.
Helping will continue in 2022. Join us as a volunteer or help by donating. Thank you!