
Christmas cafés offer a sense of community throughout the festive season

Photo: Hanna Linnakko / Suomen Punainen Risti

The Red Cross’s Christmas cafés will once again open their doors to people of all ages. At the Christmas cafés, people can spend time and enjoy free refreshments.

The Finnish Red Cross’s Christmas cafés offer fun activities in and around Christmas across Finland from 10 December to 3 January. This year, volunteers will organise Christmas cafés in more than 40 cities and towns.

“You don’t have to stay at home alone if you want to talk to people and have people around you. Our volunteers will be in the cafés ready for a nice chat,” says Maaret Alaranta, the social well-being coordinator for the Finnish Red Cross.  

Open to all and free of charge, the Christmas cafés offer visitors a relaxed way to spend time as they wish. Visitors and volunteers alike can have a good time over a board game or a nice chat. Some of the cafés also organise activities, such as musical performances.

“The best thing about Christmas cafés is that no one has to spend the long festive season alone if they don’t want to. Many volunteers are also looking for something to do during the long holidays,” Alaranta says. 

The Finnish Red Cross’s Christmas cafés in 2023

List of 2023 Christmas café locations in alphabetical order and their opening hours:

Airaksela, Kuopio: 10 December 2023 at 2.00–5.00 pm, Airakselan Seurantalo, Airakselantie 591, 71490 Airaksela

Akaa: 26 December 2023 and 6 January 2024 at 12.00 am–3.00 pm, Clubroom Syke, Valtatie 9, Akaa

Alajärvi: 20 December 2023 at 2.00–6.00 pm, Kohtaamispaikka Aaltola, SPR:n tilat, Lääkärintie 1, 62900 Alajärvi

Espoo: 26 December 2023 at 1.00–4.00 pm, Villa Apteekki, Pappilantie 5, 02770 Espoo

Forssa: 26 December at 2.00–4.00 pm, premises of the FRC Forssa branch, Siurilankatu 28, 30300 Forssa

Haapamäki: 18 December 2023 at 1.00–3.00 pm, Lääkärintie 7 C1, 42800 Haapamäki, clubroom

Harjavalta: 19 December 2023 at 10.00 am–1.00 pm, Pysäkki, Killankatu, liikekeskus, 29200 Harjavalta

Heinola: 29 December 2023 at 10.00 am–1.00 pm, Café Heimo, Kaivokatu 14, 18100 Heinola

Huittinen:25 December 2023 at 1.00–3.00 pm, Einola, Karpintie 8 Huittinen

Hämeenlinna: 18 December 2023 and 5 January 2024, FRC, Hämeenlinna branch, Palokunnankatu 20 A, 2nd floor

Ikaalinen: 3 January 2024 at 4.00–6.00 pm, Olkkari, Vanha Tampereentie 15, Ikaalinen

Järvelä: 18 December 2023 at 11 am onwards, Järvelätalo, Virkatie 1, Järvelä

Kaarina: 1 January 2024 at 11.00 am–2.00 pm, Kaarina Community Centre, Puntari, Puntarikatu 1, 20780 Kaarina

Karesuvanto: 17 December 2023 at 12.00 am – 2.00 pm
Karesuvannon kappeli

Kemijärvi: 20 December 2023 at 5.00–7.00 pm, Café ParrunPätkä, Jaakonkatu, 98100 Kemijärvi

Keitele: 21 December 2023 at 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm, Keitele-house, Äyräpääntie 6, 72600 Keitele

Kolari: 22 December 2023 at 12 noon onwards, Pappilantie clubroom, 95900 Kolari

Korpilahti: Wed 20 December 2023 at 1.00–3.00 pm, Korpilahti Parish, Kirkonmäentie 1, 41800 Korpilahti

Kurikka: la 6.1.2024 klo 14–16, Arontie 1, 61300 Kurikka

Köyliö: 2 January 2024 at 2.00–4.00 pm, Vuorenmaantie 750, 27860 Köyliö

Köyliö: 5 January 2024 at 10–12 am, Köyliöntie 4, 27710 Köyliö

Lempäälä: 20 December 2023 at 12:00 am-2.00 pm, Toimelantalo, Asuntotie 10 33880 Lempäälä

Merijärvi: 20 December 2023, Kilpukka hall, Merijärventie 106, 86220 Merijärvi

Merikarvia: 22 December 2023 at 12 am–2 pm, Oloneuvoksentie 3 C, 29900 Merikarvia

Muonio: 21 December 2023 at 5.00–7.00 pm, Kyläpirtti, Pirkantie 4B, 99300 Muonio

Muurola: 20 December 2023 at 3.00–5.00 pm, premises of the FRC Arctic Circle branch, Jaakopintie 1, 97140 Muurola

Nokia: 19 December 2023 at 11.30 am–2.00 pm (potentially also in the evening at 5.00–7.00 pm), FRC Nokia branch, Pirkkalaistori 1, 2nd floor, Nokia

Petäjävesi: 18 December 2023 at 11.00 am–2.00 pm, Petäjävesi Business Centre, Siltatie 1

Pertunmaa: 22 December 2023 at 9.00 am -11.00 am, Helmikin kammari, Pertuntie 14, 19430 Pertunmaa

Polvijärvi: 20 December 2023 at 8.00 am–2.00 pm, Polvijärventie 9, 83700 Polvijärvi

Pori: 22 December 2023 at 12.00 am–3.00 pm, Apuri, Ahlaistentie 595, Pori

Porvoo: 26 Deecember 2023 at 12.00 am-3.00 pm, Jokikatu 25 Porvoo, Clubhouse of the FRC Porvoo branch "Kolo"

Posio: 20 December or 3 January at 10.00–11.30 am, Sairaalantie 5, Posio

Pöytyä: 16.12.2024 klo 9–13, Op:n kerhohuone Haverintie 5, 21900 Yläne

Lappi, Rauma: 5 December 2023 at 2.00–6.00 pm, FRC Punainen Tupa, Kosontie 2 as 1

Rajamäki: 26 December 2023 at 1 pm-4 pm, Rajamäen kylätalo, Villentie 2, 05200 Rajamäki

Rauma: 4.1.2024 klo 11–14, Pic N Pay Sahakatu 2 26100, Rauma

Rautalampi: 18 December 2023 klo 2.30–4.00 pm, Ystäväntupa Rautalampi, Kuopiontie 22, 77700 Rautalampi

Riihimäki: 20 December 2023 at 1.00–3.00 pm, premises of the FRC Riihimäki branch, Keskuskatu 1, 11130 Riihimäki

Saarijärvi: 21 December 2023 at 12.00 am–3.00 pm, Paavonaukio 3 E, Saarijärvi

Savukoski: 20 December 2023 at 12.00 am–3.00 pm, Pelkosenniemi Municipality’s organisational facilities, Sodankyläntie 16, 98500 Pelkosenniemi

Siilinjärvi: Week 52, Siilinjärvi Youth Centre and Vuorela Youth Centre

Sodankylä: 19 December 2023 at 2.00 pm onwards, Kylälaakso clubroom, Kylälaaksontie 2, 99600 Sodankylä

Sonkajärvi: 23 December 2023 at 9.00 am-11.00 am, 26 December 2023 at 10.00 am-1.00 pm and 31 December 2023 at 10.00 am-1.00 pm,
ArjenAskel Lyseotie 1. 74300 Sonkajärvi

Tammela: 18 December 2023 at 1.00 pm onwards, Kuusitie clubroom, Tammela

Tampere: 24 December at 12.00 am–6.00 pm, Meeting place Tampuri, Otavalankatu 12 A, 33100 Tampere

Tornio: 4 January 2024 at 1.00 pm-7.00 pm, premises of the FRC Tornio branch, Kemintie 4,  95420 Tornio

Uurainen: 4 January 2024 at 2.00 pm onwards, Parish Home, Topintie 1. 41230 Uurainen

Vaasa: 20 December 2023 at 2.00–6.00 pm, the Finnish branch of FRC Vaasa, Kauppapuistikko 26

Valkeakoski: 28 December 2023 at 2.00 pm-6.00 pm, the new premises of the FRC Valkeakoski branch "Valpuri", Valtakatu 16, Valkeakoski

Vantaa: 28 December 2023 at 12.00 am–4.00 pm, premises of the FRC Vantaa branch, Tikkuraitti 11 A (Tokmannin alakerrassa)

Virrat: 26 December 2023 at 1.00–4.00 pm, FRC clubroom, Keskustie 7, 34800 Virrat