EUR 800,000 donated to Hunger Day box collectors – online collection continues until end of October

The Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund received 800,000 euros in donations during the Hunger Day box collection. The funds are used to help people in Finland and around the world. You can donate online until the end of October.
The Hunger Day box collection took place last week from Thursday to Saturday 28–30 September. Volunteers were seen collecting funds and taking part in Hunger Day on the streets, at schools and at various events around Finland.
“We would like to thank all the volunteers and donors who participated in the Hunger Day box collection. People of all ages took part in the collection. With their help, we were able to raise 800,000 euros in just a few days to help people in need,” says Sirpa Solehmainen, Director of Fundraising for the Finnish Red Cross.
The Hunger Day collection raises funds for the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. The funds raised allow the Red Cross to help quickly where help is needed most. The funds are not earmarked in advance, allowing the Red Cross to quickly channel aid to help those affected by a disaster or accident, both at home and abroad.
The Hunger Day collection offers a concrete way to get involved in helping people far and near who are facing a crisis.
“The Hunger Day collection offers a concrete way to get involved in helping people far and near who are facing a crisis. You can still participate in the collection until the end of October,” says Solehmainen.
The Red Cross prepares for disasters and disruptions
Preparing for different disasters and disruptions is a significant part of the Red Cross’s work both in Finland and around the world.
Every donation to the Disaster Relief Fund is important.
In Finland, the Disaster Relief Fund is used to train volunteers and maintain domestic preparedness in order to respond effectively to various crises. Sudden accidents and disturbances include disasters such as fires, floods, epidemics and major accidents. The volunteers of the Finnish Red Cross help in emergency situations by supporting the authorities and helping people to cope with accidents.
In recent weeks, aid has been urgently needed amid humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, in the aftermath of the earthquake in Morocco and in villages and towns devastated by floods in Libya.
“Every donation to the Disaster Relief Fund is important. In addition to immediate humanitarian aid, we use the donations to strengthen communities’ preparedness for future disasters and crises,” says Tiina Saarikoski, Director of International Operations for the Finnish Red Cross.
“In Morocco and Libya, we saw how important it is for local communities to be prepared to help in order to save lives at the first moments of a disaster.”
In September, the Finnish Red Cross allocated EUR 100,000 from its Disaster Relief Fund to support the aid operation in the area affected by the earthquake in Morocco, EUR 150,000 to the International Red Cross aid operation in the flood-stricken area of Libya and EUR 200,000 in additional support for the work of the Afghan Red Crescent to improve the situation of women and their families.
Furthermore, donations to the Disaster Relief Fund have been used to send aid workers to support the International Red Cross aid operation in Morocco.
In Finland, the Disaster Relief Fund is used more than three times a week on average to help people affected by sudden crises. In Finland, the Red Cross most often provides emergency assistance in situations where a person has been forced to leave their home due to a fire.
The Hunger Day collection will continue until the end of October
You can raise funds and donate to the Hunger Day collection online until the end of October. Online you will also find instructions for MobilePay, SMS, phone and bank transfer donations.

Participate in the Hunger Day collection