Homelessness is one of the most extreme forms of poverty and increases the risk of accidents – the Finnish Red Cross prevents homelessness and provides support

The annual Night of the Homeless will take place on Tuesday 17 October. The Finnish Red Cross is once again involved in many Night of the Homeless events around the country.
Homelessness is one of the most extreme forms of poverty. It undermines people’s wellbeing and participation – the ability to feel that they are part of the community and society around them. Illnesses, financial distress and social exclusion are examples of the diverse causes of homelessness.
17 October is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, declared by the United Nations. In Finland, the day is known as the Night of the Homeless, and it is celebrated by holding Night of the Homeless events around the country.
The theme of the 2023 Night of the Homeless is: ‘Who does the city belong to?’ The purpose of this theme is to encourage social discourse about things such as who has the right to be visible in the cityscape and whether the public space is equal and accessible to everyone.
Accidents have more severe consequences in the everyday life of the homeless compared to other people
Homelessness increases the number of more serious accidents. This is particularly the case for those living on the streets or in an overnight shelter. The homeless have a more than tenfold risk of dying as a result of e.g. an accident, poisoning, suicide or violence compared to the rest of the population.
In addition to permanent vulnerability, the risk of accident is increased in the autumn by the same factors that affect everyone – darkness and cold and slippery weather. Their impact is heightened for those living without a home.
“Everyone should have the right to safe everyday life. The threshold for calling for help is higher than usual for many people, particularly if the accident in question involved substance use. Basic first aid skills are important to prevent the most serious injuries in particular, and even death,” says Health Promotion Planning Officer Saara Aakko from the Finnish Red Cross.
The first aid training courses for heavy substance users that were launched this year by the Finnish Red Cross reach homeless people staying in supported housing units around Finland in particular. The training, provided free of charge, includes learning how to administer first aid to an unconscious person and stop bleeding, among other things. During the training, the participants also learn to recognise overdoses and situations requiring them to call for more help.
The Red Cross prevents the causes of homelessness and provides diverse support
We prevent the causes of homelessness and offer diverse low-threshold support through substance abuse work, prison visits and Youth Shelter activities, among other things. We support young people at the cusp of adulthood with finding and retaining their own flat, for example.
We also offer free-of-charge support and guidance, such as food aid, health advice and discussion support, which are open to everyone free of charge. We provide support with the help of our volunteers.
The Finnish Red Cross was involved in the founding of Y-Säätiö, which provides homeless people with affordable housing and works to eliminate homelessness. We remain an active member of Y-Säätiö.
Night of the Homeless events
This year, the Finnish Red Cross is involved in the following Night of the Homeless events organised in collaboration with partners around Finland:
Haukipudas: SPR Kirppis Haukipudas, Revontie 13, 17 October, 5 pm–8 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will offer food and include distribution of clothing, among other things. The programme also includes information on preventing accidents in connection with Accident Prevention Day.
Joensuu: Market Square, 17 October, 12 noon–. The Night of the Homeless event at the Market Square will offer soup and pleasant meetings. Participants can also receive information about Red Cross volunteer activities. The MURU project of the North Karelia Martha Association is also involved in the event.
Joroinen: Koskentie 9, 17 October, 10.30 am–2.00 pm. A Night of the Homeless event in collaboration with the Myrskylyhty ry association. The event will offer pea soup and pancakes. Participants will also have an opportunity to meet and talk with volunteers.
Jyväskylä: Lounaispuisto, 17 October, 4 pm–9 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will feature a panel discussion called ‘Let’s talk about homelessness’ and music performances, among other things. Snacks will also be available.
Kemi: Marina Takalonkatu 3, Culture Centre, 24 October 5 pm–8 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will offer sausages, coffee and other things. Participants will have an opportunity to learn more about different organisations and public sector operators during the event. The event will also provide information on preventing accidents in connection with Accident Prevention Day.
Kokkola: Herman Renlundinkatu 1, 17 October, 3 pm–7 pm. A Night of the Homeless event open to all at Esperi Care’s Hermanni Halfway House. Held outdoors, weather allowing. The event will offer things such as sausages, crêpes and coffee and include distribution of clothing and mini flashlights. In connection with Accident Prevention Day, the event will provide information on accident prevention. The wellbeing services county of Central Ostrobothnia (Soite) is involved in the event.
Kotka: In front of the second-hand shop of the Kotka branch of the Red Cross, Tarinatie 2, 17 October, 12 noon–6 pm. A Night of the Homeless event with the theme: ‘Who does the city belong to?’ The event will offer soup and coffee. Donated clothing will also be distributed.
Kuopio: Kuninkaankatu 30, 17 October, 4 pm–8 pm and Support Centre Mahku, Puijonkatu 45, 5 pm–8 pm. The Night of the Homeless event on Kuninkaankatu will feature snacks, haircuts and discussion on homelessness. The Night of the Homeless event at Support Centre Mahku on Puijonkatu will feature a hot chocolate bar, live music, bingo and distribution of donated items.
Oulu: Rotuaari, 17 October, 2 pm–7 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will offer warm food and hygiene bags, among other things. A Red Cross Health Point will be present at the event, offering information on accident prevention in connection with Accident Prevention Day. Additionally, the food aid event held by the Oulu branch of the Red Cross (Toppila-Center Paakakatu 2) on 23 October, 4.30 pm–5.30 pm, will offer information on accident prevention in connection with Accident Prevention Day.
Parola: Meeting place Juttutupa, Jaakonkuja 3, 17 October, 4 pm–7 pm. In celebration of the Night of the Homeless and Accident Prevention Day, participants will be offered soup and sides, as well as coffee and pulla bread. The preparedness group of the Hattula branch of the Red Cross will teach first aid and distribute accident prevention materials. Cooperation partners will be present to talk about the forms of support available in the municipality.
Pirkkala: Suupantori Square, 17 October, 3 pm–7 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will feature speeches and other things, and operators will be in attendance to talk about the activities they offer. The programme also includes music and distribution and reception of clothing. The event will offer sausages, pea soup, coffee and bread.
Pori: Eetunaukio, Itäpuisto 1111, 17 October, 6.30 pm–9.30 pm. The programme of the Night of the Homeless event will feature speeches, music, food aid, information on first aid and distribution of hygiene products and clothing aid.
Raisio: Tasala Market Square/Kamari, 17 October, 5 pm–. The Night of the Homeless event will offer food aid, among other things. Also present at the event are the Red Cross First Aid, a Red Cross Health Point and Safety Coaches, who will offer health advice and information on accident prevention.Additionally, the Red Cross Health Point will provide information on accident prevention and safety themes on Accident Prevention Day on 10 November, 10 am–1 pm.
Rauma: Toivontalo courtyard, Lyseokatu 7, 17 October, 4 pm–9 pm. The programme of the Night of the Homeless event will feature speeches, music, food aid and distribution of hygiene products and clothing aid. A Red Cross Health Point will also be present, offering health advice, blood pressure measurement and other things.
Riihimäki: Granit Square, 17 October, 6 pm–8 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will feature things such as presentations on various activities by Red Cross volunteers and other operators.
Rovaniemi: Lordi Square, Maakuntakatu 29–31, 17 October, 6 pm–10 pm. The programme of the Night of the Homeless event will feature artists, a fire show, haircuts and other things. The event will offer sausages, crêpes and coffee. There will also be distribution of hygiene products and donated winter coats, wool sucks and other things. The event will provide information and materials related to Accident Prevention Day, as well as flashlights. Participants will have an opportunity to learn more about different organisations and public services during the event.
Seinäjoki: Seinäjoki Central Square, 17 October, 3 pm–6 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will feature a speech by Paula Risikko, music performances and a panel discussion, among other things. The event will offer juice and sausages.
Siilinjärvi: Sulkavan silta, Sulkavantie 4, 17 October, 5 pm–8 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will offer warm soup, haircuts and warm, clean clothing. Participants will also have an opportunity to bathe in a sauna at the event location.
Tampere: Meeting place Tampuri, Otavalankatu 12a, 21 October, 5 pm–9 pm. The Night of the Homeless event will feature a Red Cross Health Point reception, distribution of donated clothing, and food.
Turku: Market Square, 17 October, 6 pm–. The Night of the Homeless event will offer things such as crêpes and coffee and include distribution of clothing and hygiene supplies. A Red Cross Health Point will also be present.
You can also browse Night of the Homeless events here.