Free-of-charge Christmas cafés by the Red Cross serve as meeting places

Red Cross Christmas cafés open at Christmas throughout Finland.
Red Cross Christmas cafés are once again open at and around Christmas.
Christmas cafés are meeting places with small snacks and drinks and nice things to do along with the opportunity to spend time together – completely free of charge. The cafés are operated by volunteers.
“Even though December is one of the busiest times of year for me as a hairdresser, I have yet to be too busy to join other volunteers in creating the festive Red Cross Christmas café, or bringing good Christmas spirit to people as we call it, for local people,” says Finnish Red Cross volunteer Heta Ahonen from the Merijärvi branch.
Ahonen has been involved in Red Cross activities since she was in lower secondary school, following in her older brother’s footsteps. Christmas cafés have been organised in Merijärvi since 2020, and Ahonen has been involved in organising them from the beginning.
“You cannot buy Christmas spirit at any store or sense it sitting in traffic. Instead, you can foster Christmas spirit by knowing that you helped create a sense of community for people that may not have any visitors at Christmas. Or people whose life is more or less lonely all year round, or whose finances are too tight to visit anyone,” Ahonen says.
“The Christmas café has been very popular and all of the feedback we have received has been positive. The thing that people have been most impressed by is that everything truly is free and made happen by volunteers coming together. I think that we have been able to make Christmas less lonely for many lonely people,” Ahonen says.
The moments spent together at the Christmas café bring much needed meaning to many people over the long holiday season. The cafés provide communality, especially for people who would otherwise spend Christmas alone against their will.
The Finnish Red Cross’s Christmas cafés in 2024
Updated list of the locations and opening hours of the Christmas cafés for 2024 in alphabetical order:
Akaa: December 29, 2024, from 12 PM to 3 PM and January 5, 2025, from 12 PM to 3 PM, SPR Akaa branch office Syke, address Valtatie 9, Akaa
Espoo: December 26, 2024, from 1 PM to 4 PM, Villa Apteekki, Pappilantie 5, 02770 Espoo
Forssa: December 26, 2024, from 2 PM to 4 PM, Branch premises Siurilankatu 28, Forssa
Harjavalta: January 3, 2025, from 10 AM to 2 PM, SPR Pysäkki, Harjavalta shopping center, Killankatu 3, 29200 Harjavalta
Heinola: December 24, 2024, afternoon and December 30, 2024, from 1 PM to 3 PM, Café HeiMo, Kaivokatu 14, 18100 Heinola
Helsinki: December 22, 2024, from 12 PM to 4 PM, Venue, Hämeentie 85-89, 00550 Helsinki
Hinnerjoki: January 3, 2025, starting at 1 PM, Pollari cultural house, Löröntie 16, Hinnerjoki
Hämeenkyrö: December 23, 2024, and January 3, 2025, Veteran’s House, Härkikuja, Hämeenkyrö and Toritupa, Torikatu 8, Kyröskoski
Hämeenlinna: January 3, 2025, from 2 PM to 6 PM, SPR Hämeenlinna branch, Palokunnankatu 20 A, 13100 Hämeenlinna
Kaarina: January 1, 2025, from 11 AM to 2 PM, Civic Activity Center’s office Puntari, Puntarinkatu 1, 20780 Kaarina
Karkkila: December 27, 2024, from 1 PM to 5 PM, Hiljan Kammari, Valtatie 8, Karkkila
Kiikoinen: January 2, 2025, at 1 PM, Huhtahovi, Huhtatie 2, 38360 Sastamala
Kimito: November 27, 2024, starting at 2 PM, Red Cross premises Arkadiavägen, Kimito
Kokemäki: December 20, 2024, from 10 AM to 1 PM, Tulkkilantie 15, 32800 Kokemäki
Koski tl: January 2, 2025, at 4 PM, Club room on Pappilantie, Pappilantie 7 C
Kouvola: December 20, 2024, from 10 AM to 1 PM, Kuusaantori Shopping Center, Kauppakatu 1, 45700 Kuusankoski
Lappeenranta: December 27, 2024, Konnunsuo Reception Center, Läykänkuja 53, 54190 Konnunsuo
Leppävirta: December 21, 2024, from 11 AM to 2 PM, Leppärengas, Suomalanpurontie 18, Leppävirta
Luvia: December 20, 2024, from 1 PM to 3 PM, Tasala, Tasalantie 6, 29100 Luvia
Merijärvi: December 20, 2024, starting at 11 AM, Kilpukka dining hall, Merijärventie 106, 86220 Merijärvi
Padasjoki: January 6, 2025, starting at 5 PM, Library’s multipurpose room, Vaahteratie 4, 17400 Padasjoki
Parkano: January 4, 2025, from 12 PM to 2 PM, Parkano Library, Parkanontie 57, 39700 Parkano
Pirkkala: January 3, 2025, from 10 AM to 5 PM, Joint premises of SPR Pirkkala and Pirkkala Elokolo, Suupankuja 8-10 D 55
Punkalaidun: December 20, 2024, and January 2, 2025, Kulmakamari, Pihlajatie 1, 31900 Punkalaidun
Puolanka: January 3, 2025, from 12 PM to 3 PM, Branch readiness room, Keskuskatu, 89200 Puolanka
Rajamäki: December 26, 2024, from 11 AM to 2 PM, Rajamäki Village House, Villentie 2, Rajamäki
Rautalampi: December 20, 2024, Kuopiontie 22, Rautalampi
Riihimäki: January 6, 2025, from 1 PM to 3 PM, Branch premises, Keskuskatu 1, 11130 Riihimäki
Siilinjärvi: December 30, from 2 PM to 4 PM, Tapaamo, Kasurilantie 7, 71800 Siilinjärvi
Sodankylä: 6.1.2025, 13:00–15:00, Kylälaaksontie 2, 99600 Sodankylä
Tammela: December 18, 2024, from 1:30 PM to 4 PM, Kuusitie club room, Tammela
Tampere: December 24, 2024, from 12 PM to 6 PM, Meeting place Tampuri, Otavalankatu 12 A, 33100 Tampere
Uimaharju: December 26, 2024, from 10 AM to 2 PM, Better Life Niskantie 46, Eno and Uimaharju Kasari Association, Harjunraitti 26, Uimaharju
Utsjoki: December 24, 2024, from 3 PM to 9 PM, Utsjoki Parish Hall, Tenontie 1, 99980 Utsjoki
Vantaa (Tikkurila): December 27, 2024, from 12 PM to 3 PM, Tikkurila branch premises, Tikkuraitti 11 A 19, 01300 Vantaa
Vantaa (Myyrmäki): December 19, 2024, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM, Myyrmäkitalo, 3rd floor, club room, Myyrmäki
Virolahti: December 28, 2024, from 1 PM to 3 PM, Youth Center Pleissi, Virojoentie 7, 49900 Virolahti
Virrat: December 26, 2024, from 2 PM to 4 PM, Keskustie 7, 34800 Virrat
Yläne: January 5, 2025, from 10 AM to 3 PM, Game Café at Yläne Cooperative Bank’s club room, Haverintie 6 A, 21900 Yläne, Pöytyä
Ähtäri: December 28, 2024, from 1 PM to 4 PM, Tapaamo, Ostolantie 11, Ähtäri