Nexus approach

Many National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies work in complex and challenging environments where protracted crises and conflicts are commonplace. At the same time, they also respond to the long-term needs of their communities.
The triple nexus approach seeks to promote closer cooperation between different actors to make the simultaneous need for humanitarian aid, development and peace efforts more effective in these difficult contexts.
How we help
We use the nexus approach to ensure that our aid benefits each society in each situation – also during a crisis or disaster. We particularly focus on strengthening the relationship between the humanitarian aid required during prolonged crises and development cooperation, taking into account conflict or violent situations.
Linking the Humanitarian and Development efforts
The Finnish Red Cross cooperates with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in conflict zones. We support the local Red Cross or Red Crescent society’s ability to operate in challenging environments, maintaining the trust of all parties and ensuring access to those in need.
The aim is to raise awareness of the humanitarian mandate and principles of action (e.g. impartiality, neutrality) among the population and the various actors, in order to strengthen trust in local volunteers and improve their capacity to intervene in a crisis. Read more about the communication cooperation with the ICRC.
Lessons learned from complex contexts
The development and implementation of the nexus approach is based on analysing difficult and unstable operating environments and the lessons learned from them.
The form in which aid is provided differs depending on the environment. In a conflict or crisis situation, the methods have to be changed, and sometimes entirely new operating models need to be developed.
For example, the Finnish Red Cross and the Burkinabe Red Cross Society have cooperated to develop vital healthcare services for people living amidst a continuous crisis.
Principled humanitarian action
We pay attention to the development of the operating environment, promote inclusion and comply with the humanitarian principles. We make sure that our operations and programmes do not increase tensions during a conflict.
We advocate at national and international levels to ensure that needs-based approach of humanitarian assistance, humanitarian principles and the International Humanitarian Law are respected.

Themes of the international aid of the Finnish Red Cross