Learning materials for all ages
Teacher, do you need support and additional material to help you teach about world phenomena or first aid skills? Would you like to organise an event that allows pupils to experience the joy of helping?
We provide schools, educational institutions and teachers with a wide range of learning materials as well as support and tools for organising theme days.
The materials provide information about life in different parts of the world They focus on topics such as global challenges, loneliness, racism, first aid, friendships and different ways of helping.
Many of the learning materials are also well suited for multidisciplinary studies. You can use them to inspire pupils to examine how to make the world a better and more humane place.
The Finnish Red Cross’s learning materials are clear and easy to use.

You can practice friendship skills

Johanna Korkeamäki
Coordinator of School Collaboration
Finnish Red Cross, Headquarters
Phone +358 40 610 2167