Week Against Racism in schools

Week Against Racism will once again take place on 17-23 March. This year Week Against Racism will focus particularly on the responsibility of adults to take action against any racism experienced by children and young people.
Racism occurs in many forms in the lives of children, both in and outside of the school. Racism is not only insults and bullying, but also something more subtle: different attitudes, prejudices and exclusionary practices.
All forms of racism have an impact on the growth of children and young people and on their opportunities to move forward in life. It is important to identify racism in everyday life, to be aware of prejudices and to take action to dismantle discriminatory practices.
It is important for an adult to be a safe person to children and young people and always take action against any racism they witness. In the school world, discrimination can also be experienced in interactions with other pupils, away from the watchful eye of the teachers, e.g. during breaks. Because of this, it is important for children to also have the courage to take action in these situations or at least always tell an adult.
Morning assemblies for primary and lower secondary schools
We will once again organize national morning assemblies for schools in Finnish and Swedish, with the Finnish version also subtitled in English.
This year, the morning assemblies will focus on how promoting openness, breaking down prejudices, and learning to address racism can make the school a more equal and nicer place for everyone. Students from Pasilan peruskoulu and teacher Hanna will also participate.
Direct links to the morning assemblies will be published on this page. The morning assemblies for both younger and older students will be subtitled in Swedish and English and will last 10-15 minutes.
Recordings of the morning assemblies will be available for viewing throughout the spring of 2025.
Identify and act navigator for young people
How would you feel if someone you did not know were to yell at you and your young child in a shopping centre? Or if you constantly had to explain why you look the way you do?
How would you want others to act in these situations?
Using the Identify and Act navigator for young people, you can test out how you would act in these scenarios. The guiding examples are real experiences of racism.
Learning materials for younger and older pupils
Is it easy to be accepted into our group? What kind of joking around doesn't feel good? Do we intervene in racism? These issues are discussed in the updated ‘Together against racism’ learning materials.
You can make use of the learning materials during the Week Against Racism or at any time when there is a need to discuss the issue with the class. All learning materials for the theme week can be found here.

Learning materials for all ages!