Focus areas / Tracks
We will update more information about the tracks and sessions here. Please choose your primary track of interest. If you are interested in several tracks, you can switch between them.
- Brand & Reputation / Room "Invent", 3rd floor
- 13:00–14:30: IHL content creation in the context of current conflicts by Morten Schwarz Lausten
- Description: The Red Cross has an obligation to mediate through the Geneva Conventions. Therefore, the Red Cross movement is constantly looking for new forms and methods to convey the rules of war. The latest product - which several Nordic countries are involved in - is the interactive film ‘If War Comes To You’. Come and hear about the background to the project and get an introduction to it - before you get the chance to try out what it feels like to be at war. Please bring your own PC.
- 15:00–16:30: Swedish Red Cross branding: repositioning and new communications concept by Malin Barnö
- Description TBA
- 13:00–14:30: IHL content creation in the context of current conflicts by Morten Schwarz Lausten
- Customer journeys / Room "Vision 3", 1st floor
- 13:00–14:30: How can we help other National Societies run successful F2F? by Elze Maciuleviciute and Emil Tellasen
- Description: We have a lot of experience in running Face-to-face operations, but do we share enough? How does it feel to launch the F2F in a new market, and how can the Nordic Red Cross National Societies become teachers and mentors? In 2023, Emil from the NorX traveled all the way to Georgia, Tbilisi to support with a F2F operation launch. This has been an exciting personal experience and also a massive support to the sister National Society. Would you like to do something like this?
- 15:00–16:30: Elevating Impact: How ICRC’s assets can be used in your Individual Giving fundraising program – The NorCross and ICRC’s One Campaign case-study by Yolanda Ewerhart
- Description: Discover the heart of the "One Campaign" in a concise session packed with insights and inspiration. We'll unpack the campaign's goals and share key lessons learned, including a real-life case study from NorCross. You will also get an exclusive preview of the ICRC's upcoming fundraising propositions and join the conversation in a lively Q&A focused on Individual Giving programs.
- 13:00–14:30: How can we help other National Societies run successful F2F? by Elze Maciuleviciute and Emil Tellasen
- Campaigns / Room "Vision 2", 1st floor
- 13:00–14:30: Emergency (fundraising) campaigns best practice by Malin Barnö
- Description: How to prepare for emergency fundraising? How to cooperate and yield the best results during the campaign? What should be done afterwards and how to translate short-term gains into long-term success?
- 15:00–16:30: A melting pot update and feedback session for passionate RCRC digital fundraisers by Anna Fison and Stephanie Moraille
- Description: Want to learn about the latest global digital fundraising activities of the IFRC network? Can’t wait to get involved with a global network of RCRC digital fundraisers to share knowledge and innovation? Join us for an update on this work, and help us set up the latest digital fundraising community of practice.
- 13:00–14:30: Emergency (fundraising) campaigns best practice by Malin Barnö
- Data & Analytics / Room "View 3", 9th floor
- 13:00–14:30: Need for Help and Our impact: A data-driven future? by Matias Andersson
- Description: Our main job is the provide help where needed. How do we assess that demand? How can data help describe the environment in which our local actors work from the point of view of vulnerabilities? Can we use open/external data more effectively to guide activities and the use of resources? What kind of data is available? What about assessing the impact we have on those vulnerabilities? What applications or other data sources can we use to show that what we are doing really matters? Join this brainstorming workshop to share your experiences and thoughts on the topics! The Finnish Red Cross will share the story of the first steps of their journey in data collaboration for vulnerability mapping as a introductory presentation but plenty of time will be saved for identification and planning of localized action points as well as blue-sky thinking.
- 15:00–16:30: Swedish Red Cross' DLTV-Model Cancelled due to unexpected circumstances. Participants are encouraged to join the parallel AI & Digital session.
- 13:00–14:30: Need for Help and Our impact: A data-driven future? by Matias Andersson
- AI & Digital / Room "Vision 1", 1st floor
- 13:00–14:30: How to use AI in digital advertising and analytics by Petri Mertanen
- Description: In this concrete presentation we are taking the next steps beyond general AI for text and picture creation. Petri has two decades' experience in digital advertising and analytics and has researched AI tools specially designed for certain digital advertising and analytics tasks. He has co-operated together with the Finnish Red Cross for over 10 years as external analytics specialist.
- 15:00–16:30: Digital & Data Organization in a RC NS: How to gain crossfunctional strategies with silos? How to run a matrix to active crossfunctional holistic value? by Marianne Kim Brill, Aleksi Aalto and Matias Andersson
- Description: Different digital and data development organizations - how can we get the best results, quickest? How do we build a change-driving organization?
- 13:00–14:30: How to use AI in digital advertising and analytics by Petri Mertanen
- Ethical & Sustainable practices / Room "View 2", 9th floor
- 13:00–14:30: AI Best Practices and Policies: Comparative brainstorming by Anu Niiranen and Aleksi Aalto
- Description: AI is taking professional life by storm, success stories are abundant and benefits are quite obvious e.g. in the domains of image generation and translation. On the other hand, risk awareness related to advanced tools isn't far behind. How do we maintain responsibility while taking all possible advantage of AI tools at hand? Let's take the time to sit down for a comparative and conversational session for what kind of policies and practices guide daily work with AI images and translation, if any. What is lacking? What now?
- 15:00–16:30: To take or not to take? Ethical questions of photography by Nora Peter
- Description: Reporting on humanitarian action has its special challenges - in some cases, the very act of portraying vulnerable people places them at risk. At the same time, there is pressure on us to show people we are helping. So, how do we use images without compromising the rights and safety of the people on them? Our mantras: dignity, respect, and informed consent.
- 13:00–14:30: AI Best Practices and Policies: Comparative brainstorming by Anu Niiranen and Aleksi Aalto
FRIDAY 24.5.
- Press & advocacy / Room "View 2", 9th floor
- 9:00–10:30: Reputational risk management by Josefine Karlsson
- Description: The Swedish RC will share learning from four reputational crisis in the last couple of years. Other NS are encouraged to share their examples. What traits do the crises share (or not)? And how do we adapt our set up and management accordingly depending on the reputational crisis?
- 11:00–12:30: Crisis hits. Brace for impact. by Nora Peter
- Description: In every emergency, it’s only a matter of time before we encounter possible reputational issues. What are the strategies and steps we could take to mitigate the risk and minimize the impact? How to decide when to speak and what to say? We will discuss these through recent examples of real-life scenarios.
- 13:30–15:00: Communication in domestic disasters and crises by Sari Häkkinen and Ada Bergroth
- Description: Each year, each national society responds to different types of domestic incidents and emergencies. We all have plans in place to communicate effectively in these situations. This workshop will share experiences from recent emergency communication situations and communication planning in different NS contexts. All participants are welcome to share their communication plans for emergency situations and give practical examples from their own recent experiences: what has worked well, where could we improve our comms planning, and what have we learned?
- 9:00–10:30: Reputational risk management by Josefine Karlsson
- Content / Room "View 3", 9th floor
- 9:00–10:30: Our joint Red Cross story - from word to action by Malin Barnö and Anna Bergén
- Description: Ukraine, Gaza, disasters, and crises. We often talk about better cooperation between us in relation to content and the stories we bring home from around the world. Let us go from words to action! Malin Barnö, Head of the Market Unit, and Anna Bergén, Red Cross Magazine Editor, from the Swedish Red Cross will facilitate a discussion on concrete procedures and shared responsibilities that will help us work more efficient together in gathering stories to communicate to our target groups – and in sharing learnings. Bring your ideas – welcome!
- 13:30–15:00: Workshop for AI for translation: Coworking with specific case examples. Bonus if there is a native speaker if non-nordic language. Multilingual websites: Language versions, AI translation or user's browser plugins?
- 9:00–10:30: Our joint Red Cross story - from word to action by Malin Barnö and Anna Bergén
- Internal communication: volunteers & employees / Room "Discover 1", 3rd floor
- 9:00–10:30: Empowering Volunteer Voices: Do's and don'ts of communication trainings for volunteers by Aku Suomalainen and Laura Luoto
- Description: How does the Red Cross train their volunteers in communications? What kind of challenges there are in communications training and how we can solve them?
- 11:00–12:30: Communications with key volunteers by Madeleine Stjernström and Frida Magnusson
- Description: This session will focus on how we best support and communicate with volunteers responsible for local branch websites, social media strategy and other forms of local communications. How can we best tailor our volunteer communications based on the varying sizes, needs and skills of local branches? How can we help our volunteers follow up on and measure their communications efforts, so that those learnings and data lead to better results?
- 13:30–15:00: TBA
- 9:00–10:30: Empowering Volunteer Voices: Do's and don'ts of communication trainings for volunteers by Aku Suomalainen and Laura Luoto
- F2F / Room "Create", 3rd floor
- 9:00–10:30: The usage of AI in Swedish Red Cross’ Direct Dialogue: Bias Reduction in Personnel Recruitment and Gamification of Fundraising as Part of an Updated DLTV-Model by Melanie Grimm
- Description: Our presentation will provide insights into how we use an AI-based screening tool for personnel recruitment. We will show AI-generated avatars that we aim to use to determine candidates’ potential as fundraisers early in the recruitment process. We are hoping these systems will help us reduce unconscious bias in recruitment processes. We will also explain the idea and the psychology behind using animal emojis to increase the life-time value of the donors we recruit via F2F fundraising in Sweden.
- 11:00–12:30: F2F Overview, organization, results & brainstorming for improving F2F by Tuomas Mattila
- Description: At this session, we will look, compare and discuss some of the key figures from the F2F Fundraising. Time permitting, we will also discuss the wider future of F2F: where is it heading, new payment methods, new challenges, and so on.
- 13:30–15:00: D2D Development session, organization, challenges, feedback & mitigation by Tuomas Mattila
- Description: Finnish Red Cross presenting our D2D system; overview, work divisions and map making and sharing. In addition, we will discuss D2D in a wider context, such as advantages, common challenges and possible future development.
- 9:00–10:30: The usage of AI in Swedish Red Cross’ Direct Dialogue: Bias Reduction in Personnel Recruitment and Gamification of Fundraising as Part of an Updated DLTV-Model by Melanie Grimm
- Marketing & social media / Room "Vision 1", 1st floor
- 9:00–10:30: Innovative financing & Islamic philanthropy by Ramya Gopalan
- Description: In recent times, we are finding the emergence of a number of new financing models, growing both in terms of their market size, their operations and the way they serve those in developing countries, as a new alternative. These innovative finance instruments are projected to unlock private capital and help further leverage public funding to mobilize various new sources of investment for public policy, social services and development goals. The RCRC network has seen some initial gains, and this session will take a deep dive into the what and the how.
- 11:00–12:30: ROI, ROAS, how to monitor the result and impact of marketing investments? by Hilkka Korte
- Description: Marketing dreams to marketing realities - how to monitor the results and impact of marketing investments? Attendees get the share their own insights and best practice of how to allocate marketing budgets per channel, target audience and brand versus tactical goals. If acronyms such as ROAS, ROI, CPC, TRP and OTS sound appealing to you, then this is your session. Come and share your wisdom!
- 13:30–15:00: Automated customer communication -demo by Anniina Ukkonen
- Description: Introduction for using MS365 Real-Time Marketing for providing automated communication processes for leads and donors. FRC presents their experiences and first results of lead acquisition in different campaigns and automating monthly donor's individual customer communication.
- 9:00–10:30: Innovative financing & Islamic philanthropy by Ramya Gopalan
- Corporate / Room "Discover 2", 3rd floor
- 9:00–10:30: Corporate Partnerships and joint Nordic business development: presenters from each country by Ann Christin Håland, Håkan Jarlenius, Rasmus Nørgård-Edmund, and Tuuli Lahti
- Description: Each Red Cross National Society will present their corporate partnership concept (their offer: model/levels/assets/themes) and one current Corporate Partner/Prospect with potential to become a pan-Nordic account.
- 11:00–12:30: Corporate partnership studies: understanding needs and drivers to be a partner by Sarah Kullin and Tuuli Lahti
- Description: Information about our corporate partners, both quantitative and qualitative, based on recent studies.
- 13:30–14:00: S-Group/Coop sustainability practices and co-operation with the Finnish Red Cross by Marjaana Saarikoski, Vice President of Euro-Coop
- Description: We’ll learn about the Finland’s biggest retail chain S-Group’s/Coop’s sustainability practices and long term co-operation with the Finnish Red Cross.
- 14:00–15:00: Leveraging branding for fundraising and advocacy purpose: Moomin 80 cause marketing partnership by Jarkko Toivanen/Ilkka Lind, Rights & Brands
- Description: Let's have an insight into Moomin 80 anniversary activities with Rights & Brands, the global master agent of Moomin Characters!
- 9:00–10:30: Corporate Partnerships and joint Nordic business development: presenters from each country by Ann Christin Håland, Håkan Jarlenius, Rasmus Nørgård-Edmund, and Tuuli Lahti
- Web / Room "Play", 3rd floor
- 9:00–10:30: WS with Productowners CMS - Deepdive - Pros and Cons - How to build future proof? by Marianne Kim Brill
- Description: Some decisions have been made regarding technical plattforms. It would be interesting to look a bit deeper into how it actually works. Pros/Cons - How can the technology bring us closer to the strategic goals? Do we work on autopilot or do we manage to bring out the muscles the technology can give us? Do we evaluate and learn - or do we just accept "status quo"? How do we change to meet the future user and what move need to be taken, and which role has technology in that? The project I am leading at the moment has done some interviews lately, both within Red Cross and other NGOs. All are interested in getting better, working smarter with less effort and money, therefore I believe technology can help us. But how?
- 13:30–15:00: Peer2peer now and in the future by Tiina Kirves and Anna Ahtiainen
- Description: Task of the workshop is to share and discuss about your p2p activities, results, and plans for the future with others. Meta is closing p2p tools. iRaiser peer2peer platform is updated to Kentaa. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies runs a tool for international p2p fundraising for companies. Traditional way to collect money to bank account with referral numbers, and the manual list of donors for memorial, birthdays, wedding, etc., fundraisers is still going strong.
- 9:00–10:30: WS with Productowners CMS - Deepdive - Pros and Cons - How to build future proof? by Marianne Kim Brill
- CRM & Data / Room "Invent", 3rd floor
- 9:00–10:30: KPI tree workshop by Alina Peussa
- Description: Bridge the gap between broad strategies and measurable outcomes. Attendees will gain hands-on experience in constructing KPI trees that not only enhance performance monitoring but also align teams with the organization's goals.
- 11:00–12:30: CRM meetup: Experiences with Microsoft Dynamics by Alina Peussa and Sofia Johansson
- Description: Joint session hosted by Swedish Red Cross and Finnish Red Cross to share our experiences with Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a modern CRM system.
- 13:30–15:00: Sentiment analysis with Machine Learning by Maram Hamid
- Description: The goal is to introduce participants to the concept of sentiment analysis techniques and demonstrate how they can be applied to analyze sentiments in Red Cross news articles. Participants will learn to extract valuable insights from textual data using practical examples.
- 9:00–10:30: KPI tree workshop by Alina Peussa
- Secondhand / Fireplace room, 9th floor
- 9:00–12:30: A short visit to Kontti secondhand stores in Helsinki and Vantaa as well as a few competitor stores. Departure in front of the hotel by minibus at 9:00, return to Scandic Park at 12:30. Please sign up by emailing Tiina Laurila at tiina.laurila@redcross.fi.
- 9:00–10:30: EU’s directives concerning textiles, books, plastics by Ella Suojalehto
- Description TBA
- 11:00–12:30: Co2: Any news? by Ella Suojalehto
- Description TBA
- 13:30–15:00: Marketing topics by Tiina Laurila
- Description TBA
- Legacy / Room "Dream", 1st floor
- 9:00–10:30: TBA
- 11:00–12:30: Legacy giving - trends across INGOs in the world and in Europe (from Peer Review study) by Martina Favaretto
- Description: What portion of global Individual Giving does Legacy represent? In the past 5 years, did Legacy giving grow faster or slower than regular giving? And what organizations are growing the most in the area of fundraising? In what markets?
- 13:30–15:00: TBA


Nordic Skillshare 2024 – Helsinki