Identify and Act navigator
The Identify and Act navigator allows you to challenge your own way of thinking through scenarios based on real experiences and guided by people’s stories about racism.
How would you act if you were to witness racist threats at a shopping centre or notice discrimination in your workplace’s recruitment processes? How should children and young people facing racism be supported?
How to use the navigator
First, you get to immerse yourself in the scenario, after which you are tasked with selecting the option that matches what you would do and how you would react. There are no right or wrong answers.
You can also go back and review your responses to see how different courses of action would impact the situation.
Using the navigator provides you with both information and concrete ways of intervening in racism and discrimination at workplaces, at schools, at home and in public spaces.
Access the navigator here.
“I would have liked at least someone to come over afterwards to show support and tell me that what the man had said was terrible.”
The purpose of the navigator is to promote equality and increase users’ preparedness and courage to intervene in racism. It was developed as part of the Red Cross’s work against racism.