Aid in Finland and around the world
Aid in Finland and around the world
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Around the world, people suffering from natural disasters and conflicts receive life-saving emergency aid and support for reconstruction.
In Finland, food aid activities are organised in several localities. In addition, young people receive help through the Youth Shelters and online. We also train volunteer friends for lonely people.
The aid is delivered by trained volunteers, who are supported by hired staff. Aid work supports and complements the activities of the authorities.
Choose this 50/50 donation, half of which will be directed to the Disaster Relief Fund and the other half to help in Finland!
Thank you for caring.
You can donate also by
Bank account: FI52 5000 0120 4156 73, OKOYFIHH. Recipient: Finnish Red Cross. Reference number: 5636.
Would you like to start as a regular donor
Uncommitted funds of the Finnish Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund are channelled quickly to wherever the need for aid is the greatest.
Thanks to regular donations, aid supplies and aid workers are ready as soon as something happens in Finland or abroad.